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LCMS is divided into separate modules based on your security privileges. Listed below are a few of the primary modules of LCMS.

  • Professional Development
  • Form Center
  • Message Center
  • Course Management
  • Document Management

Professional Development

This module of LCMS allows users to register and access courses. It also allows users to monitor their transcripts and forms. This module will be most frequently used by general ADPH users.

Message Center

LCMS general users can check messages in the Message Center. It provides a location for checking important messages from LCMS System Administrators. It serves as a searchable repository for unread and read messages. Users may send emails requesting assistance or more information from LCMS System Administrators.

Form Center

There are several types of forms within LCMS. The Form Center gives users access to these forms. The categories include: Registration, Testing, Survey, Volunteer, and "Other" Forms. Users may search for a specific form within this module.

Course Management/Document Management

Access to the Course/Document Management module is restricted to users designated to manage specific forms or maintain an office/bureau/division webpage.

Page last updated: June 12, 2023