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Electronic Laboratory Reporting

Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) allows laboratories to report test results for reportable infectious diseases through an automated and secure process to the statewide disease surveillance system. Laboratories export data from their information systems in a standard file format and send it to ADPH electronically through a secure interface. ELR will replace paper-based reporting for most reportable infectious diseases and may be used for reporting other notifiable laboratory findings, such as cancer pathology reports and blood lead level results. ELR allows for more rapid reporting to public health and reduces the facility's reporting burden.

Note that laboratories are still required to immediately report by telephone positive test results for Group A reportable diseases, even though the report may be transmitted via ELR.

Getting Started

Software vendors and hospitals interested in exchanging ELR data with ADPH may register at the ADPH Security Portal / Meaningful Use Web application after obtaining federal certification for their ELR module.

Page last updated: May 13, 2021